Linmere's weekly blog 19/4/24

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 3:21pm

We’re back after the half-term break and the children have done some good work over the last couple of days.

In our English lessons, we continued to look at Greek myths and we read a myth involving Odysseus and a cyclops. We then looked at using subordinate conjunctions to extend sentences and we wrote an action scene based around this myth. The children really understood these skills and we’re able to apply them effectively to their writing.

During the rest of the week, the children continued their geopgraphy work on volcanoes and this week we looked at the positive and negative effects of a volcanic eruption. The children were then able to explain afterwards why people might live beside a volcano and some of the risks of doing so. 

Have a nice weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.

Mr Pasquill