Oakmere's Class Blog 29.10.23

Date: 29th Oct 2023 @ 11:25pm


I hope  you have all had a great holiday and are raring to come back to school.  If the children have got any news to share or items of interest to bring in, we tend to do ‘Show and Tell’ on a Wednesday or Friday.  I love hearing the children talk about what they have brought in but quite often they bring something in and can’t talk about it.  Which leads to an awkward exchange of me asking questions and the children shrugging.  Please can you chat to them first about what they what to bring and ask them a few questions.  We particularly enjoy certificates or items of personal achievements.

We have PE on Tuesday and Thursday so please can you check the PE kits and send them back in as soon as possible.  We will be going outside whenever possible so jogging pants and a hoody may be a good idea.

This week in English we will be revisiting punctuating direct speech and writing character descriptions of the boy in our story.  The children will finish reading the book and we will be talking about the growth and development of the characters and finding key vocabulary to support our ideas.

In maths we are continuing to look at adding and subtracting using the column method.  The children will continue to work on their four times table and number facts to twenty.  Please keep up all the good work the children have been doing on TTRS.  Please check the settings on TTRS the children should be doing the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 x table. 

In Science we will be looking at I know a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey and can construct and interpret them.  In Geography we will be exploring the sights of Athens and planning an itinerary for a day trip.  In Art we are going to look at some of the earliest types of art know to man and explore how we can recreate it.

I have included some pictures of our trip.  The children had a fantastic day, and I was very proud of how well behaved and interested they were.  I think the highlight of the day was the now defunct hornets’ nest which the children were absolutely fascinated by.  Many thanks to the parents who came to help.

Have a great week.

Mrs Kelly