Oakmere's Class Blog 8.10.23

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 7:42pm


We had a great week last week and the children were working hard on their maths, especially learning those times tables.  I can’t emphasis enough how important it is for your child to go on Times Table Rockstars as often as possible.  The app really helps your child develop those essential multiplication skills and it is so easy for the children to access and enjoy.  We are getting quite competitive in class and the children are asking to see the leader board most days.  This week we are moving onto learning our four times table. In maths this week we will looking at the column method of addition but extending it to ensure the children understand the place value of each number.

In English we will be looking at the punctuation used in direct speech and collecting words to replace said.  The children will continue to work on punctuation as we move onto looking at why we start new paragraphs towards the end of the week.  Our class reader at the moment is Iron Man by Ted Hughes and the children seem to enjoy if.  See if they can tell you the cliff hanger, I left them all at on Friday.

In Science this week we will be looking at teeth and how we can keep them healthy.  The children will be taking part in a little experiment.  See if they can explain the variables and why they matter.  Hopefully by the end of the week they will be able to tell you what we discovered.

The children continue how to keep themselves safe and in PSHCE this week we are going to use that knowledge to create a safety poster that could help younger children.  In Geography we are exploring the Mediterranean, especially Greece and learning about migration and it causes.

Please can the children bring in their reading folder every day.  We try to hear the children read as often as possible and this has proven a bit tricky for some children.  We change most of the books on Monday, but the children are welcome to change them whenever they have finished.  We want the children to read as often as possible.

See you all tomorrow for the start of a new week.

Mrs Kelly