Homework at Over St John’s
There is a daily space in your child’s reading diary for an adult to tick and sign so that there is a record of homework being completed. This will be checked by your child’s class teacher.
All children are expected to read at least four times a week. It is important that your child enjoys their reading books and your child’s class teacher will be happy to give advice on appropriate choices.
Reading for homework can take any of the following forms:
Independent reading of books from school
Sharing a book together
Answering questions about the book
Mental Maths/Times Tables
All children in Linmere are expected to use Times Table Rockstars on a regular basis to practise and consolidate their times table recall and fluency. Children are also welcome to login to Numbots if they choose to. Children will be set weekly times tables to learn and practise by their class teachers. They need to learn both multiplication and the related division facts. https://play.ttrockstars.com/
In Linmere, children will be given spelling words from their year group spelling list and rules. These will be tested once a week on a Monday.
Please spend time each day with your child learning their spellings for the week.