Delamere Weekly Blog - 20.1.2023

Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 5:36pm

Well, we have made it to the end of a very cold and wintry week and Delamere have yet again achieved lots of great things.

This week has seen us putting the final touches to our owl fact files, with a session to edit and another to publish our fantastic work. We are so proud of everyone and love our new class display (see image below). 

In Maths, we have worked on our subtraction skills using both number lines and dienes blocks, thinking about using our knowledge of number bonds to ten to help us solve calculations more efficiently. For example, when solving 23 – 6 we would first take away 3 ones to get to 20 and then take away the remaining 3 leaving us with 17. Practising using this strategy will build up our confidence with subtraction and help us to eventually solve more complicated problems. Please do remember to access Numbots regularly. It was great to see some new children getting involved this week.

In Computing this week we have continued to explore using the floor robots (Beebots) and thinking about using a variety of instructions. We learnt that a set of instructions is also know as an algorithm and thought about what happened to the outcome when we changed the order in which the instructions were given. I was very impressed with the children’s predictions when looking at a variety of algorithms and with how they worked together, sharing the Beebots.

On top of all of this has been some super shared reading, fantastic History skills, marvellous spelling and thoughtful RE. Amazong work Delamere!

Our big WELL DONE this week goes to Adelaide, Spencer W and Danielle for topping the table in Numbots and our Excellent Examples are Lilly T, Poppy and Spencer D.

We hope that you have a wonderful week and look forward to more fun and learning next week.

Team Delamere