Oakmere Class Blog 25.2.24

Date: 25th Feb 2024 @ 10:21pm


I hope you have all had a great half term and the children have lots of exciting news to share with the class. 

The children are continuing with their work on the book Winters Child and this week we will be looking at the actions of the character. The children will be using conjunctions to improve their sentences and will be planning a letter from the character Tom.

In Maths we will be learning about fractions, comparing, and ordering unit fractions, and fractions with the same denominators. We will continue to work on the eight times table.

In Science we will be learning about sun safety and how the position of the light source effects the shadow. The children will be exploring the patterns within shadows and how we can predict their formation.

In Geography we will continue to learn about the layers of the Rainforest and what type of flora and fauna we find in each layer. The children have been particularly interested in this after our trip to the zoo where we were lucky enough to see a lot of the animals we are learning about.

We will be doing PE this week so please send in your child’s PE kit before Tuesday when they will be working with the coach on gymnastic skills.  I will be taking the children outside on Thursday so I would recommend sending in a pair of jogging pants and a warm top.

I have attached some photographs of the children’s Samba drum session they took part in at the end of the half term. It was a fantastic way to finish the week.

Thank you.

Mrs Kelly