Oakmere's Class Blog 15.10.23

Date: 15th Oct 2023 @ 2:08pm


Can you believe we are in the last week of first half term already.  I feel like we have only just started!

Another busy week coming up with our trip on Thursday and Pupil Consultation meetings.  For our trip on Thursday the weather forecast is rain so please make sure your children have a waterproof coat and appropriate footwear.  They will be walking through long grass and mud.  The backpack with their food in needs to be one they can carry round all day comfortably.  Fingers crossed we don’t run into any other troublesome pests.

In English this week we are continuing to work on our Diary entries and looking at how we write in the past tense and in the first person.  The children will be using this format to write about their trip.  Don’t forget to work on their spellings as I will be testing them tomorrow.

In maths this week we will be continuing our work on addition and subtracting using the column method.  The children have had to use their place value skills to understand the which column to use.  We continue to work on our 4 x table and the children are getting very competitive about TTRS.  They are asking to see the leader board most days and are working out how much longer they need to go on it to win.  Out of pride for how brilliantly they are doing I may have issued a challenge to Linmere and Blakemere!  Watch this space.

Science this week is our trip but the children are very invested in our egg experiment and I have told them we will look and see what has happened on Monday.  Depending on the results and the smell we may try to keep the experiment going till the end of the week.  Ask the children what we are experimenting to find out.

In Geography we continue to look at the Mediterranean and explore the impact of Tourism and Migration.  The children map skills continue to improve and they are more than confident when they talk about where they are going to go on holiday next. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Mrs Kelly