Our first week back - Oakmere - 12.01.2018

Date: 14th Jan 2018 @ 7:52pm

What a lovely first week back after Christmas we have had! The children have worked extremely hard this week and shown a positive attitude towards their learning.

We will be continuing our Earth Matters topic for the next couple of weeks with the focus on earthquakes and then we shall be moving on to our new Spiring topic. Watch this space for information about this new topic!!

We have continued to explore multiplication in Maths focusing on the inverse. We ahve been exploring how multiplication is the inverse of division and vice versa and how we can use this to help solve missing number problems. Times tables knowledge is essential here so can I continue to encourage you to leanr your times tables at home.

In English we have become to explore information texts. We have been exploring the features of these texts. over the next couple of weekes we shall work towards writing out own all about volcanoes.

On Thursday we were luck enough to visit Barclay's Bank to take part in their Life skills workshop. We explored and discussed how to keep ourselves safe on line, had a tour of the offices and worked on the program Scratch in the afternoon to program their own game. The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

See you all in the morning for another busy, but also exciting week!

Mrs M