Robin Wood Blog 23.4.24

Date: 23rd Apr 2024 @ 8:05pm

Hello from deepest darkest Wales.

Sorry for the lateness of our blog we were struggling with the Wi-Fi last night.  The children have had an amazing time and have risen beautifully to every challenge.  So far, we have rock climbed, swung from a trapeze, canoed across a pond, built rafts and jumped in very cold water, swung on a high swing, archery, high ropes and caving and that is only half of the adventures! They have used their cunning and guile to escape from the dungeon and their problem-solving skills to escape the piranhas! 

The highlights so far.

Vicky climbed to the top of the climbing wall while everyone chanted her name.  You should have seen her beaming smile.

Marley and Sophie with her quiet determination to get as high as she could up the wall.

Beautiful and Spencer determined to jump into the pond even though they were terrified of the water.

Hudson discovering a natural gift for canoeing and successfully completing the trapeze even though it was pretty scary.

Phoebe showing leadership skills on the night line and guiding her group through obstacle maze.

Kira and Belle for challenging herself on the giant swing and going the highest she could go.

Ernie and George for his brilliant accuracy in archery.

Brooke and Alice for conquering her fear and completing the entire high rope course.

Connie, Lilly Amelia and Kobe were so good at problem solving and working together that we made excellent time in the dungeon.

Toby and Adelaide for organising their group to make rafts that would actually float.

Sophia has been the group cheer leader and motivator,  making sure everyone was ok.  Her upbeat and happy demeanour have made her stand out.

Danielle and Olivia for getting the best out of every activity.

Evie for stepping in to be safety officer twice in the crate challenge.

Thea whose name we are changing to ‘No fear Thea’. 

We have taken hundreds of pictures, and we promise to upload them as soon as we get back.  We have been very proud of them and have thoroughly enjoyed spending this time with the children. 

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs Kelly, Mr Pasquill and Ms Dyson