
Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 4:14pm

Another busy week in Sandymere. I think a good rest is needed this weekend! 

We have been celebrating our reading progress this week and your child should now have a book at home on their new reading stage. We are working on 'reading like a reader and not a robot' where we look at the punctuation and how we can read with expression. This is why your child only has one book for the week. Please re-read pages each day so that they can build their fluency and 'read like a reader and not a robot'. Thank you for your support with this. 

In maths we have been looking at numbers all the way to 100. We know how many tens and ones are in these numbers and have started to compare them by playing a comparison game in our lesson today. 

We had great fun in PE. We are currently working on the very beginnings of rugby skills. We have been playing games using the tag rugby equipment and rugby balls. 

Have a lovely weekend 

Team Sandymere.