
Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 5:31pm

What an amazing start to Year 1! It has been wonderful to see how quickly they have all settled. 

What have we been learning this week?

  • We talked about our school expectations - Are you ready, respectful and safe? 
  • We all made a birthday card so that when it is someone's birthday they can choose a card from the birthday card basket. 
  • We created all about me flowers to go on a display in our classroom. 
  • Our Class Christian value is Thankfulness. This week in our class collective worship we thought about things that we are thankful for and recorded this by drawing our ideas. 
  • In maths we have been sorting object and counting amounts from a larger group. 
  • In art we looked at how we can use our whole body to draw giant spirals. You may have seen these in the playground. 
  • We started our science unit by finding out what we already know about materials. 
  • In RE we have started our unit about creation by creating something special out of clay. We will paint these next week before sending them home. 

There was a bit of a mix up with PE kits today, sorry! If your child brought theirs home please return on Monday as we have PE. Hopefully we will remember not to send them home next Friday! 

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Team Sandymere