Sandymere Class Blog 9.2.24

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 3:46pm

Happy Friday!

We have been very busy in class this week and here are some of the highlights from our learning.

  • We have been thinking about the main characters from The Lion Inside. The mouse is tiny and meek but the lion is loud and strong. Yesterday we turned into a class of animals from the story and shared our views about the lion. We were very impressed with the writing that the animals did in our books!
  • Do you know why different animals belong in each of the five animal groups? Ask your child and see if they can tell you about birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians and mammals. We investigated what is the same about the animals in each group and also spotted some differences.
  • We have been taking our learning further in computing with the use of Beebots. This week we were creating programs to make the Beebot travel forwards, backwards, left and right.
  • We are having a really big focus on handwriting at the moment. We hope that you will be able to see how well your child is doing at pupil consultations next week.
  • Our nursery rhyme this week has been Old Macdonald Had a Farm. Old MacDonald had a farm (sung by Andy Day) - BBC Teach
  • Tuesday was full of Jelly Bean fun. The favourite part was using them for our maths activities or perhaps it may have been eating them!

Team Sandymere hope that you have a lovely weekend and we are looking forward to sharing your child’s achievements at next week’s pupil consultations.