Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 03.11.2023

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 10:18am

We have had a busy first week back after the half term holidays. 

In English, we have continued to explre our text Star of Fear, Star of Hope. We have also looked at the text Erika's Story to help us to learn more about the life of the Jewish people during World War II. We took on the role of another character from our book, this week, and wrote a diary entry in role as her. We initially spent some time planning what we wanted to include within our diary and focused on the mastery keys we were going to include. The following day, the children then produced their diary entry.

In Maths, we have explored multiples, common mulitples, factors, and common factors. Lots of the children showed a good understanding of these, however for some children, a lack of confidence and understadning in their time tables hindered their ability to fully achieve the task. It is imperative that the children are constantly learning their times tables as they feature heavily in lots of areas of maths. We are going to look at some songs next week to help with our times table knowledge and i will add them into our weekly blogs for the children to listen to at home.

In RE, we have started to explore another concept within Christianity. We are exploring the different descriptions given to God. We are going to be exploring three descriptions, in particular, which I shall introduce this week. We shall then look at Bible texts and try to find examples of these descpriptions within them.

On Wednesday, we had the privilege to visit the Imperial War Museum in Manchester. The children had the opportunity to explore the museum and the artefacts from different conflicts, to watch different information videos and to meet two veterans from different conflicts. The children asked lots of interesting and mature questions and listened with respect to the answers given by the veterans. 

We have also continued with our 'mini topic on Remembrance' and the children have found out about the different memorials in Nantwich for Remembrance. Next week, we shall be looking at the life of soldier from Nantwich using the Cheshire Regiment Roll Call.

What can you do at home?

  • Read with your child and encourage them to find books that they are interested in.
  • Encourage your child to practise their times tables on Times Table Rockstar
  • Practise the spellings that are sent home.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Mrs M