

                                            Literacy Company.png                                                   Pathways to Write.png

We follow a mastery approach to English through using the programme ‘Pathways to Write' from the Literacy Company. Each unit  of work is delivered using high-quality and engaging texts which have varied writing outcomes for the children in each year group. These writing outcomes include fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  Skills are taught and  built up through repetition within the units, and across the year. Children apply the skills they are taught in the writing activities provided as well as in the many opporitunities that are provided for our children to write across the curriculum. Many opportunities for widening children’s vocabulary are given through the Pathways to Write approach and this builds on the extensive work we do in school to provide our children with a rich and varied vocabulary.  

Our English curriculum for writing follows the content requirements as set out in the National Curriculum for Year 1 to Year 6 and Development Matters for Reception. Within our school, Reception and Key Stage One children are taught in single age classes, whereas Key Stage Two children are taught across three mixed year group classes and our curriculum is designed to reflect this. Reception and Key Stage One children are taught a single year programme of English, whereas in Key Stage 2, the teaching of English has a two year rolling programme. To supplement and enhance the writing offer in Reception and Year 1 the children also take part in Greg Bottrill's drawing club and curious quest. A resource aimed to further encourage the children in their writing to access their imagination. develop their own ideas, use a wide range of vocabulary based on a different stimulus. 

Please click on the link below to access our English Progression of Skills and Knowledge document and to access overview documents of each year group. 

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