History Intent
“Engaging children and young people in investigating questions about people and events in the past helps them to better understand their lives today, the contested nature of knowledge and prepares them for the future as more informed citizens.”- Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum 2009 Final Report.
At Over St. John’s we provide an engaging, relevant, exciting and challenging History curriculum which inspires curiosity in themselves and the world and is appropriate for preparing our children for their future in today’s modern world. We believe that our History curriculum:
- Helps our children to understand the process of change over time, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as the challenges of their time.
- Develops skills of critical thinking which means making reasoned judgements that are logical and well thought out.
- Supports our children’s to challenge and question through asking perceptive questions, weighing evidence, sifting arguments and developing perspective and judgement;
- Builds a sense of identity and belonging on a personal, cultural, national and global level as learners come to respect and appreciate the diversity of human experience and consequently understand more about themselves so that they can live life in all its fullness thus letting their light shine;
- Enables our children to understand core concepts and most notably cause and consequence, similarity and difference, continuity and change, change and progress/regression, significance, evidence, chronology, empathy, context, diversity, perspective, interconnectivity and validity which have broad relevance and significance in the modern world.
Our History curriculum is designed to meet the content requirements of the National Curriculum.
Within our school, Reception and Key Stage One children are taught in single age classes, whereas Key Stage Two children are taught across three mixed year group classes and our curriculum is designed to reflect this. Reception and Key Stage One children are taught a single year rolling programme of History, whereas in Key Stage 2, the teaching of History is delivered over a two year rolling programme.
Please click on the links below to access our current History Subject Map and the History Progression of Knowledge and Skills document.