Blakemere 2024 - 2025

Mrs McLaughlin

Welcome to Blakemere!

We are Year 5 and Year 6.

Hello Blakemere!

Welcome to the Spring Term.We have again got lots of exciting things planned for this term. We have got lots of great things planned so please do take a look at our curriculum map to find out about all the exciting things that we shall be learning about in each subject. The curriculum map will explain the focus for subject, the area of learning and the skills and knowledge development we shall be working on. You will be able to find out more information about different aspects of our class curriculum by visiting the curriuclum tab at the top of our page. The English tab includes information about everything we shall be focusing in writing and reading. You will also find our class blog at the bottom of this page. Every Friday, there will be a Blakemere class blog where I will share or class learning and achievements for the week


During the Spring Term, Blakemere will have P.E. every Monday and Thursday afternoon. It is imperative that children have their P.E. kit in school on these days as they are expected to take an active role in all elements of P.E. It is important to have both an indoor and outdoor P.E kit with them so they are prepared. Our P.E. kits includes a white t-shirt, black shorts, black joggers and suitable footwear for both indoor and outdoor P.E.


Please take a look at the homework tab which explains what learning at home we expect children to be doing each week.


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