Design and Technology
Design and Technology Intent
The Design and Technology (DT) curriculum in our school stimulates and values practical problem solving, creativity and reflective practices. It provides visual, tactile and purposeful experiences and an understanding of the world that builds confidence and engenders respect. It enables children to flourish creatively and practically, and gives them the tools to build, improve and develop ideas. Children are challenged through the exploration of a broad, balanced and diverse curriculum that reflects their interest and passions. They explore functions and design through the work of designers and designs and are inspired to become advocates of their ideas and thoughts. Through learning about food, nutrition and preparation children understanding the importance of a balanced and varied diet. Our aim is to provide our children with an educational experience that creates lifelong learners and faith in their ability.
Our DT curriculum is designed to meet the content requirements of the National Curriculum.
Within our school, Reception and Key Stage One children are taught in single age classes, whereas Key Stage Two children are taught across three mixed year group classes and our curriculum is designed to reflect this.
Please click on the links below to access our current DT Subject Map and the DT Progression of Skills and Knowledge document.