Useful Information
School Uniform
Our school sweatshirts/cardigans can be purchased from Julie Clare Schoolwear on Winsford Market or online, online from Express Uniform or pre-loved uniform can be purchased from The Green Uniform & Baby Bank at Winsford Community Hub.
All other items can be purchased from most clothing retailers.
Please name all clothing, including pumps and check periodically to make sure that names have not been washed out and pumps still fit.
Uniform Light blue polo top
Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo
Grey skirt or trousers
Grey or white socks, grey or black tights.
Summer option Blue school dress (blue and white checked dress)
Grey skirt or grey shorts
Light blue polo top
Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo
PE Kit Plain white T-shirt
Black shorts or black cycling shorts
Pumps or trainers
Winter option Black track suit bottoms, joggers or leggings.
Black Sweatshirt
Jewellery Children should not wear jewellery except for small ear studs.
Shoes Sensible shoes - black, flat and supporting. Velcro fastenings are ideal.
No slip on shoes as we have climbing equipment on the school field and children need to wear appropriate shoes for this.
Tackling Child Abuse is all our Responsibilities
We all know that every child has a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect, however some people do not act when they are concerned about a child as they are worried about being wrong.
The Department for Education has relaunched their national campaign called ‘Together, we can tackle child abuse’, to help address this issue. The Council are sharing their message to ensure we protect children in our area.
The campaign asks everyone to help protect children and young people by looking out for the ABC warning signs. These include changes in a child or young persons:
- Appearance: such as unusual injuries or consistently poor hygiene.
- Behaviour: such as being withdrawn, overly anxious, disruptive or self-harming or any other sudden changes in behaviour.
- Communication: such as talking aggressively, using sexual language or becoming secretive.
Many people think it’s the job of people who work directly with children to make the report or are worried about being wrong. You don’t have to be absolutely certain, if you are concerned about a child, please report it to our children’s social care team and they will look into it. Information is usually gathered from a number of sources and your report would form one part of a bigger picture.
Please help us to keep an eye out for our local children as you go about your day to day life. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and we must work together to support and protect children at the earliest opportunity.
If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call Children’s Social Care on 0300 123 7047 during office hours or 01244 977 277 in evenings and weekends to make a report. If you are concerned that a child is in immediate danger please call Police on 999.