Over St. John's Roots of Faith Ethos Group

Over St John's Roots of Faith Group

The Roots of Faith Ethos Group at Over St. John's is a group of children from Key Stage 2 who come and work together to discuss our Christian roots and promote our vision and values to make Over St. John's the best it can be. 

We are the Roots of Faith Group


What do we do at Over St John's CE Primary School?

  • We meet with Mrs M every three weeks to discuss our school's vision, ethos, Christian values and how they are lived out in our school.
  • We also get together in our own time to work on our ideas.
  • We meet with Mrs Snowdon once a term to share what we have been doing.
  • We want to actively encourage everyone to put our Chrisitian values of Friendship, Thankfulness, Compassion, Forgiveness, Community and Hope into action.
  • We work together to plan and lead Collective Worship.
  • We lead the school community in prayer at whole school events.
  • We have devised some big questions for our children to answer.
  • We plan to ask the children and adults their views on Collective Worship.
  • We will be leading on different projects that we feel passionate about. 


Big Questions Collective Worship

We recently planned and delivered our very first Collective Worship which focused on our first whole school project - Big Questions. We have come up with some Big Questions that we would like all our children to have a go at discussing and sharing their thoughts and ideas about them and what they might mean. We were very proud of ourselves and our acheivements and look forward to collecting the responses from our classes and presenting them in our whole school book. 

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A bible verse to reflect our group

After we had agreed what it was that our group was going to achieve, we recently challenged ourselves to find a bible verse that we believed reflected us. One of our members brought this verse from Thessalonians 5:11 along to a recent meeting, which we discussed and explored. We all believed that this verse was a true reflection our the groups hopes and aspirations. Beneath this verse, is the discussion that took place around this verse.

See the source image

  • It is telling people to encourage onr another and that's what we want to do as a group.
  • Encouraging people and building people up is about supporting others and that is what we want to do in our group.
  • It teaches people to build each other up and be kind to each other, which is what we want to do.
  • It basically describes who we are as a group.
  • Guides us as a group along with 'Let your light shine'
  • Encouragels people to show others whatthey can do,
  • It teaches people to treat others as they wish to be treated. 
  • it aims to give people a voice.