Over St. John’s Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum is designed so that all our children can flourish, develop knowledge, skills and understanding, so they are prepared for their future, living life in all its fullness thus letting their light shine.
A further aim of our broad and balanced curriculum is to inspire learning. We want our children to be intrigued, ask questions and be motivated to learn more, whilst developing a sense of curiosity in themselves and the world. It provides opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, resilient and successful learners, who know how to be respectful and how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society.
At Over St. John's we follow the National Curriculum.
Each subject has its own curriuclum page, which outlines the intent for that subject and includes a copy of the whole school subject map and a progression of skills and knowledge document. Please click on each subject page to find out more about each subject.
You can also take a look at each class page for more inforamtion about what each class is learning.