10.3.16 Sandymere's Learning Update

Date: 10th Mar 2016 @ 9:52am

A wonderful week packed full of a wide variety of activities.

We started the week by introducing a new book called Dougal’s Deep Sea Diary.


We have enjoyed exploring the front covehttp://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ftDJNvTrL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgr and looking at the different

delightful creatures we could see. We’ve used lots of exciting words and

phrases to describe the images. By Wednesday we wrote descriptions of the

scene in sentences – they are simply fabulous!


In Maths we have investigated halves and quarters of shapes and numbers. We have been using different counting resources to help us. Perhaps you could create your own maths resource box at home filled with different counting materials or even print off a number line and hundred square?


In topic the children have continued to explore the animals of the Antarctic and began painting some beautiful penguin pictures. They have also begun to explore a contrasting habitat – the desert using information texts.

The children are very excited about working on their chassis in design and technology today and I'm looking forward to seeing them next week.

Don’t forget we are off the Chester Zoo next Tuesday.  Your child will need to be wrapped up warm and wear comfortable shoes as we will be doing a lot of walking. Also don’t forget your packed lunch.