
Date: 12th May 2021 @ 7:42pm

This week is Mental Health Week and the theme this year is Connecting with Nature. As a class we have shared the ways in which we connect with nature and it was lovely hearing about all the different things thr children enjoy doing outside of school. We discussed the symbol of the tulip which is being displayed in windows all over the country as a sign of hope and new beginnings. We made some beautiful tulips for our classroom windows using collage and we hope you are enjoying looking at them while waiting to collect us at the end of the day! The children have also taken part in a mindfulness exercise in which we imagined a garden of our very own. It could be filled with anything we wanted and we tried to imagine watering the flowers (positive thoughts) whilst leaving the weeds (negative thoughts) with no water or sunlight. Some children then chose to draw this image whilst others opted for another 'happy place' where they enjoy connecting with nature.