15.1.16 Sandymere learning update

Date: 15th Jan 2016 @ 12:35pm

Hopefully you’ve already seen the blogs posted earlier this week where you will have seen some of the exciting activities taking place.

In literacy the children have continued their work on Jack and the beanstalk and were fantastic and retelling the story using actions and even performed the story to Delamere Class. (Check out the display section for photographs) The have also started comparing different versions of the story.

In maths we have been looking at addition using a number line.  The homework supported further learning. The children have also looked at comparing weights with Mrs Winder at the end of the week.

In topic we have started to look at what might be in an explorers back pack and enjoyed unpacking a kit including a roll mat, sleeping bag, torch and tent.  Perhaps you could help your child pack their own explorers kit at home and let them build a den in the house?

In P.E we have continued our ‘rocking and rolling’ unit in gymnastics and the children are becoming much more skilled and confident in rolling in different ways.

Computing lessons have been enormous fun and we have started to look at programming Roamer. (Pictures are on the website)  Through a lot of trial and error we have managed to programme Roamer to move around the classroom. Next week we are going to explore more tricky programming instructions!