15.10.15 Sandymere Learning Update

Date: 15th Oct 2015 @ 9:28am

Well the weather has certainly turned autunmal this week and it has been wonderful to watch the leaves turn golden and begin to flutter down the ground.  This has certainly helped in our search for signs of Autumn in Science!

In Literacy we have now shared  the story of 'Katie Morag and the two grandmothers'.  We started the week by making predictions about the main character Katie and then progressed to sequencing the story from the images and adding annotations.  The children were absolutely fantastic at doing this!  The Katie Morag theme continues throughout the week where the children will be retelling the story in their own words.

In Maths the children have been looking at the months of the year.  We started by reading and sequencing the months.  The we created a class graph of when our birthdays are.  Many children were a little unsure of when there birthday is, so if you could practise this at home it would be a huge help. smiley

This week we have started to use the rhymes for forming our letters correctly using the cursive style.  We have begun with c and  a.

  • the rhyme for c is 'start on the line, curve to the top and round the curly catterpillar'.
  • the rhyme for a is 'start on the line, curve to the top and round the apple and down the leaf'.

Next week I will post images of the letters and their rhymes for your reference.

Check out the gallery/display section to see images of the children  developing their ball conrol skills.

Thank you so much for all the parents and children for completing the homework.  Just a reminder to complete BOTH feedback sheets please.

Many thanks,

Mrs Williamson and Mrs Winder