1.7.21 Delamere Blog

Date: 1st Jul 2021 @ 1:54pm



It's the first of July today and I can't believe that means we are zooming to the end of term already!  Just two more weeks to go and then your child's time in KS1 comes to an end and they start the next part of their school journey in to KS2.  

We have had a lovely week so far in Delamere class which has consisted of working on apostrophes for contractions in our English work, column subtraction in maths and how the 'or' grapheme can make the 'er' sound in phonics. 

We also had the excitment of releasing our butterflies on Wednesday.  Two were very keen to fly off into the wild whereas one hung around a little longer and then spent some time sunbathing on the field.  The children were able to spend some time observing the butterflies up close and were delighted to see them fluttering around our school grounds.

Another exciting occasion this week was the opportunity to get busy with our art work.  We have been studying Grayson Perry's Comfort Blanket in art and D&T over the course of the term and this week we took our inspirations and created printing tiles which we then used to print repeating patterns.  Some children even managed to combine and layer paint colours to create the most beautiful effects too.  Hopefully we can upload some phtographs here soon!

In PE this week we focussed on being leaders and set up activities where individuals could lead their groups in games and skills.  We saw team games, a yoga session and even a running 'club' in action.  Well done Delamere children what shining lights you all are!

There have been many moments this week where we have stood back and been truly in awe of our children in Delamere class - we have such caring, sensitive and compassionate individuals and we couldn't be prouder of the wonderful children they are. Our class certainly reflect the bible verse 'The Lord is gracious and compassionate; slow to anger and in rich in love'.

Lots more fun is planned for the rest of the week!  

Take care and stay safe.

Team Delamere.