21.3.21 Linmere class blog

Date: 21st Mar 2021 @ 2:37pm

A busy week in Linmere comes to an end and hopefully the children are getting back into the school routine. 

This week, we looked at calculating the perimeter of rectilinear shapes and the children worked really hard to understand this. In literacy, we continued with our book (The Darkest Dark) and we looked at past tense verbs, relative clauses and varied sentence structures. 

Topic this week was a little bit different and the children got a chance to show all their history knowledge from home learning. The children had to place a range of punishment methods on a timeline and allocate them to the correct period in time. We continued this crime and punishment work by creating a highwayman out of a range of materials in art.

I hope you've all had a nice weekend and I'll see you tomorrow. 

Mr Pasquill