24.04.2017 - Oakmere's first week back.

Date: 23rd Apr 2017 @ 9:15pm

Wow! What a busy week we've had in Oakmere this week! I can/t believe how much work we all acheived in just four days.

We have been exploring shape poetry in English with the aim of writing our own shape poem about a flower. We have been exploring similes and personification as two writing features thatwe could include within our own poem.

Maths has been all about fractions and decimals with a particular focus on tenths and hundredths. We have been exploring these fractions and their decimal equivalents.

The children have finally completed their double mechanisms in DT using split pins and levers. Both Mrs Smith and I are very impressed with the children's focus, drive, commitment and determination to their work in this area.

Please can I remind everyone of the importance of regularly learning the times tables that they come home with each week and kindly ask if you can read with your child at least four times a week. Regular and consistent reading has many benefits for the children in all areas of their learning. Children also receive extra raffle tickets for reading more than four times in a week at home and having their diary signed. Your help and support on this is much appreciated.

Many thanks,

Mrs M