24.9.15 Sandymere Learning Update

Date: 24th Sep 2015 @ 10:15am

Can you believe we are about to complete week 4 already? And what busy bees we have been, or should i say 'busy spiders'?! As this week it's been all about Incy Wincy Spider.

In Literacy, the children have been making 2D and 3D spiders and using these as inspiration for singing the rhyme Incy Wincy Spider.  They have loved using the spider puppets and actions. We have been listening out for the rhyming words and matching words that use ai/ou phonemes and in some cases coming up with our own.  Could you please practise the rhyme at home with your child too?  Also in literacy the children have written some lovely descriptions of a spider.  We loved the sentence ' the spider is dark like the night sky' by Cameron.  The week is rounded off with a switch to 'This little piggy went to the market' and attempting to write their own versions.

The focus this week for maths has been measuring using multi link.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed trying to guess the length of different items and then checking their results.  They were surpised at just how long or tall some items arounf the classroom are!  We have also continued to practise orally counting forwards and back from 20 and giving one more and one less.

In P.E the children have continued their gymnastics lessons and also developed their ball skills in games.  Perhaps they could practise their under arm throw in the garden with their siblings or grown ups?

Science lessons have brought the dicovery ad exploration of conkers this week.  The children loved getting the magnifying glasses out and having a good look at the conkers.  They are currently looking for signs of Autumn.  An Autumn wellie walk would be a lovely idea this weekend?

This is just a few of the busy activities your child has taken part in this week, so if your child is a little tired we are not surprised!

Keep up the fabulous work Sandymere.

Mrs Williamson and Mrs Winderyes