5.10.18 Delamere’s Update

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 7:10pm

Firstly I would like to apologise for a typing error on some of the children’s homework. If your child had the counting in 2s, 10s and 5s snakes and ladders there was one ladder that had a mistake on it. Sorry! Well done if you spotted it and thank you to the parents who made me aware. 

We have had another fun filled week in a Delamere Class. We have had a visit from Andrew Moffat to talk to us about no outsiders. You can read all about this on Mrs Snowdon’s weekly blog. http://www.overstjohns.cheshire.sch.uk/blog/friday-5th-october-2018/31142 

Have a look at the pictures below for a snapshot of some of the activities we have completed this week.