6.10.16 Sandymere Learning Update

Date: 6th Oct 2016 @ 10:56am

Week 5 has been another busy week filled with new discoveries and experiences.

So where to start?

In maths we have been looking at length and comparing the lengths of different items using comparative language – longer, shorter, longest, and shortest.  The children had a lot of fun racing to see who could make the longest ‘train’ in one minute using multi links. Then ordering and comparing the lengths of their ‘trains’.  This is something you could do at home too.  Perhaps use Lego bricks or challenge who can build the tallest tower in one minute?

In literacy we have continued with Toys in Space and have now turned the page to discover a spaceship in the sky!  We had a wonderful time imagining that we had seen a spaceship for the very first time and used our senses to explore how we might feel.  We then turned these feelings into thought bubbles.  Today the children will meet a new character in the story but only a hint, as it is the silhouette of an alien.  *whispers …. It’s a very friendly alien! Shhh!

In RE we continued to look at being Thankful and explored why we might be thankful.  Today we are beginning a beautiful art piece for display in the main hall to share our thankfulness quotes.  In PE the children were treated to another cricket session and were very excited to receive their special cricketer’s stickers for taking part.

We began to use the LearnPads for the first time this week and all the children had the opportunity to learn how to turn it on, use the headphones and explore some of the programmes.  The children that go to LearnPad club were excellent leaders and supported their classmates beautifully.  Well done children!  We are very excited to use them again next week for our curriculum computing session.

As handwriting is a huge focus this year we have continued with Dough Disco to exercise our hands and learnt the correct way to sit for writing.  The letter of focus this week is the cursive g.   Your child’s homework this week is to practise the g and the d.

That’s all for this week. See you Monday!