7.7.21 Delamere Blog

Date: 7th Jul 2021 @ 6:35pm

The end of term is within reaching distance but we are still working incredibly hard and once again we couldn't be prouder of the children's work this week.  Lots to celebrate including many personal achievements such as some children announcing that they are now understanding the column method for subtraction and 'get the exchanging tens' step.  Other children were super proud of their independent writing skills with one child saying 'this is all my own work even the spellings!'.  It is always a joy to see individuals meet their personal goals and be proud of themselves.  Well done Delamere Class.

This week we have been creating algorithms and debugging in our computing lessons.  We had the LearnPads out and carried out computing programming activities using Logo and some even used the BeeBots to support their learning.  There were many triumphs and some frustrations as we learnt the art of debugging (fixing our algorithms).  

In English this week we have explored homophones, contractions and writing instructions.  In some cases we combined all three elements in our writing!  Top job Delamere class.  We have also been looking at suffixes -ment, -ness, -ful and -ly this week too.

We did attempt to do PE today but we only managed the warm up activities and the heavens opened.  Thankfully we managed to get the children indoors and kept dry although we didn't managed to grab all the jumpers and cardigans from the bench so they got a little wet.  Might be worth having a rummage in your child's PE bag so it can dry!

Today is usually book change day however we have actually collected all the books in.  If your child has any school reading books or library books that have the ELS sticker on them or school stamp inside please send them in to school by Monday 12th July at the latest.  There seemed to be a lot missing today so we have set the children on mission book hunt.  Check under the beds, in the car, at the grandparents, on top of the fridge, even your child's bookcases.  This doesn't mean that your child's reading journey pauses for the summer though as there is the Summer Reading Challenge at the local library and your child can continue to read books and magazines over the summer break or even listen to audio books.

Don't forget your child's end of year report will be emailed to you on Friday.

Hopefully the sun returns again for the end of the week!

Take care, stay safe.

Team Delamere