Blakemere's Blog - 13.01.2019

Date: 13th Jan 2019 @ 7:39pm

Firstly, may I take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

We have made a good start back following the Christmas break. We have begun exploring a narrative unit in English based on the Legend of Beddgelert. We have explored what a legend is and used images and sentences from the text to make predictions and draw inferences. Towards the end of the week we assumed the role of the prince from our story and wrote a diary entry as if we were him.

Maths has focused on recapping the place value of numbers up to ten million, multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 and using negative numbers in context. We then went on to apply this knowledge to different SAT type questions. I was very impressed with the children's approach to these questions.

We have also started our new topic - Roman Britain. We explored the spread of the Roman Empire over Europe by creating a time line and discussed why the Romans initially invaded and conquered land near water. Keep a look out on our topic page for further information about what we are doing.

See you all in the morning.

Mrs M