Blakemere's Blog 08.10.2021

Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 10:29am

The only word I can use to describe our week, this week, Blakemere is WOW! You continue to amaze me everyday with your commitment and drive to all areas of your learning. Keep it up!

Being Courageous Advocates at OSJ

At the beginning of the week, we explored what it meant to be courageous advocates. We learnt that it is  the act of speaking out against an issue of injustice, often on behalf of those whose voice may not be heard and trying to make a difference. We explored that within the Bible, there are lots of message of hope for all people and in all situations and how God’s vision for the world is that Christian’s bring his Kingdom to earth through their actions and deeds. They show compassion, friendship, community, respect to all and aim to fight for injustice and speak out for those who may be unable. We felt that this also comes from our vision of ‘letting our light shine’ as through our actions and deeds we are letting the light of God shine through and living out the way he would want bringing justice and peace. 

We spent Monday exploring the devasting impact that plastic pollution can have on our world and we made a commitment to reducing our use of single us plastic. We are also supporting the Macclesfield Crisp Packet Blanket project to help the homeless during the winter months. This project makes blankents from crisp packets for homeless people to help to try and keep them warm. Through research, we were amazed to find out that crisp packets are actually made from plastic and take around 80 years to decompose. We are currently collecting empty crsip packets for this project and have now asked for the support our the rest of the school to place teir used crisp packets into our special bins. We are also looking forward to meeting with the ladt from the project to leanr more about and how we can best support it. 

Hope Collective Worship

On Friday, we led Collective Worship for the rest of the school all about our Chrisitan Value of True Hope. We explored how it is more than just a simple wish or desire, but it is about having an unshakeable confidence in God knowing that he is always there. We shared the Bible of story Noah's Ark and how Noah had true hope in God, in when circumstances gave him reason to doubt. I was incredibly impressed with how they did, Well done Blakemere!


We have continued to develop our confidence in rounding any number this week to any amount. We are continuing to practise and apply this skills and will work on this next week too.


We have written some excellent diary entries this week in role as Helen from our story. Our focus was to expand our noun phrases, use subordination and try to convey atmosphere trough our choice of language. The children accepted this challenge and worked incredibly hard to build on previous learning to make this happen. 


We have been exploring the reason for why WW2 began and then the children have written a brief explanation to explain these reasons. The children wer shocked and saddened to hear how Adolf Hitler described and treated the Jewish people during the World War. We discussed how this goes against our core values of respect and compassion and treating people equally. We talked about how we all need to act to ensure discrimination like this doesn't happen.


Can you tell me two or three reasons why WW2 began?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend my wonderful class and I shall see you in the morning.

Mrs M