Blakemere's Blog - 19.11.2021

Date: 21st Nov 2021 @ 10:08am

Another week complete in Blakemere and I can't quite believe how fast the weeks are flying by. The children, this week, have been challenged to plan and start to write their flashback recount stories based on our book Star of Fear, Star of Hope. The children had to take on the role of either Helen or Lydia from our story and write the flashback story from the characters point of view. They all made a super start to thier stories, including lots of the elements that we have been learning about. I can't wait to read the finished stories.

In Maths, the children have been developing their confidence in using both the short and long method for multiplication. I was very impressed by their sheer hard work and determination in mastering this method. I loved seeing the achievement on their faces when they felt they had got the method. By Friday, we were applying these methods to a variety of word problems. 

This week has been Anti-Bullying week in school, in which the theme was ' One Kind Word'. We talked about the importance of promoting kindness and how one kind word can oftern lead to another creating a chain reaction of positivity. We created our very own chain of kind words and everyone completed a kindness ladder. Writing positive comments on each others ladders. We finished the week off producing kindness posters and explaining the importance and power of kindness. In the bible in says, 

Ephesians 4:29

 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

In art, we explored how to use simple perspective in our artwork. We followed some simple steps for creating and achieving this and then we were inspired by the work of Henry Moore and applied using perspective to help us to recreate a famous piece of his art work. Keep a look out on here for some of our fantastic pieces of art.



CAn you name a part of the heart?

See you all in the morning.

Mrs M