Blakemere's Blog - 21.04.2023

Date: 23rd Apr 2023 @ 9:27am

What a super week back after the Easter break we have had in Blakemere! The children have worked incredibly hard this week on all tasks set and we couldn't be prouder.


We have continued to use the text, The Selfish Giant, in English to help us to master lots of writing skills. We started the week by writing a setting description about the Giant's garden using effective vocabulary. It's nice to see the children really thinking about their choice of vocabulary and writing for effect. We then moved on to thinking about the Giant and his character. The children were encouraged to make inferences about the Giant from the information that we had been given in both the text and the images. The children came up with some great ideas about the Giant and then we used these to help write a character description about him. Towards the end of the week, we explored how sentences include a subject, object and verb and had a go at writing sentences in bothe the active and passive voice.


We have been undertaking different tasks in Maths this week. The Year 5 children have focused on consolidating their understanding of the formal method of multiplication and division and using these to help solve problems whilst the Year 6 children have focused on explring and understanding Ratio. They began the week by writing simple mathematical ratio statements and then progressed on to solving a variety of problems involving ratio and then finally scaling up recipes.


We have continued to explore how light travels in a straight line. We have explored how light travels from a light source to our eyes to enable us to see. We have also epxlored that if an object is blocking the light then a shadow is formed. 


We are contiuning with our food technology unit and this week explored how food can be reared, caught and processed, what this means and different example of food that would be included in these groups.


I was incredibly impressed with the Year 6 children on Wednesday during our first swimming session. The children worked hard and listened to the instructors well. I am most definitely looking forward to next week's session. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I look forward to seeing you in the morning.

Mrs M