Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 04.03.2022

Date: 6th Mar 2022 @ 9:29am

What a busy first week back after half term we have had in Blakemere!

At the beginning of the week, we began to research our chosen endangered creature that we want our finla piece of writing to focus on. The children spent time learning about the animal - its appearance, habitiat, diet, the reasons for it being endangered and what action is being taken to protect it. The children were shocked to hear and read about the treatment of these beautiful species. 

In Maths, we have continued to explore percentages and how we can find an equivalent percentage to a fraction when the fraction's denominator is not 100. We again could see the links to previous areas of learning as we needed to find equivalent fractions to help. Towards the end of the week we recapped on multipying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. The dividing part is going to come in extremely handy next week when we begin to explore finding percentages of different amounts. 

In RE, we have started to look at the Five Pillars of Islam and why these are important to all Muslims. We discussed what each pillar represented and will now spend the next few weeks learning about each one in more detail and coming up with ideas as to why they are important to a Muslim and what role they play in their lives. 

In Geography, we have been exploring the impact that humans have on the world - both positively and negatively. We explored the lifes work of Sir David Attenborough and will be using his work to inspire and influence the tasks that we undertake in relation to deforestation, over fishing, climate change and plastic pollution. The children talk so passionately about this issues, which all link to our whole school courageous advocacy project of becoming plastic free. 

Thursday was World Book Day in Blakemere and we had our own stationery problem to deal with. We arrived at school to find that our rulers had gone on strike. The children wrote letters to the rulers and took the task of convincing an dpersuading the rulers to return very seriously. The letters produced were fantastic and I look forward to creating an area in our classroom to display these fabulous peices of writing.

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I also wanted to thank all the Year 6 children who stayed for Maths club on Thursday. Lots achieved in such a short space of time. 



Can you find a synonym for disgruntled?


See you in the morning.

Mrs M