Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 04.10.2024
Date: 6th Oct 2024 @ 9:52am
Another week has come to an end in Blakemere and, once again, we have achieved many great things.
We have continued with our text, The Watertower by Gary Crew this week and have spent some time focusing on the main characters, Bubba and Spike. We initially completed a role on the wall for each character, exploring and identifying everything that we know about them. We then moved on to exploring how to create relative clauses. A relative clause adds extra information about the main noun within our sentence. We started by creating relative clauses about lots of different things and then moved on to writing them about our characters from the book. On Thursday, we brought everything together that we had learnt all week to write a character description.
In Maths, this week, we have explored rounding. In year 5 and 6 we round numbers within a hundred thousand and million. I have particularly impressed with the children’s knowledge and understanding of rounding numbers. As my class already know, I have a song for lots of areas of learning and for rounding we have the rounding rap, so I thought I would share it here.
This week, we explored the different classes of people who were on the Titanic in more detail. The children had to select which of the three classes they wanted to research and focus on. We spent this lesson researching information about what life would have been like for these people aboard the Titanic and then in our next lesson we shall be using this information to produce a fact file. I can’t wait to see what the children produce.
This week, we have continued to explore the work of Carl Linnaeus, a taxonomist, who was the very first to classify and group living things based on their similarities. We have explored how he grouped all living things into five kingdoms. We explored what the five kingdoms are and what features a living thing would need to allow it to be part of that kingdom.
This week in computing the children had to work in groups to produce a PowerPoint together about the Titanic. However, there was an extra challenge. They were only allowed to communicate with each other via the chat feature on their PowerPoint. This made working together a little more complicated than they initially thought. This is something we shall continue with next week.
Well Done!!
A huge well done to Franklin for winning the raffle ticket prize this week and to Mia, Kai, Finley, Annie and Ava K for having their work selected for excellent examples. They will bring them home next Friday to share with you.
Ava D and Tate were voted for by the class as our workers of the week, so huge well done to them too.
Finally, well done to Joshua, Natalie and Haley for earning their times table rockstars certificates.
Secret Question
Name two of the five kingdoms that Carl Linnaeus put all living things in.
Bring your answer into school to win some raffle tickets.
General Information
- Thank you for your support in using our new online reading journal. You will be receiving a new link on Monday to start recording your reading for next week so keep a look out for it in your inbox.
- Children now have their Times Table Rockstars login so please can I ask you to encourage your child to access it on a regular basis and at least 4 times per week. We will celebrate Times Table Rockstars every Friday.
- Spellings are given out on a Monday and then that rule will be explored for the following two weeks in school. The children will take part in a spelling check and the date for this will be noted on top of their spellings. I will attach the file to our weekly blog, but can I ask you to encourage your child to learn and practise these words. There will be suggested activities on the sheet. Our next spelling check will be Monday 21st October.
- PE will be on a Monday and Thursday so please ensure that you have the correct PE kit in school on these days. Footwear is required on both days.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and if you have any questions then please do ask.
Mrs M