Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 04.11.2022

Date: 6th Nov 2022 @ 10:49am

It was nice to have everyone back in class this week after the half term and as always, Blakemere have worked extremely hard on all tasks set. In English, we began the week by re-telling the story so far in our words and trying to apply all the elements of writing that we have learnt so far. There were some great story retells with lots of the features we had learnt. For the rest of the week, we explored using and writing with active and passive sentences. We explored what these sentence types are and how we can change between the two. We looked at the purpose of using passive sentences and then had a go at writing our own. This will be our focus for the year to enable us to develop our confidence with it.

In Maths, we have explored finding multiples and common multiples and factors and common factors. We then went on to investigate factors towards the end of the week. We have explored looking for patterns and finding the relationships between different numbers.

In History, we have continued to explore why the Titanic was so siginificant by exploring the class system upon the ship. We have looked at how the people on the ship were split into classes and how they experience on the ship was determined by their class. The children worked hard on Friday to research information about their chosen class and then they will use this next week to produce a fact file about their chosen class. We then used this information within our computing lesson. We have been exploring how data and information is transferred over the internet and then on Friday the children had to work collaboratively on a project without verbally communicating with each other. They could only communicate through the chat feature on the computers. We will continue with this project next week. The children found it a little tricky to only use this form of communication to work together. We were trying to simulate what it is like to work collaborately with someone who is not in the same room.

Science has focused on exploring how water and nutrients are transported around the body. Children used what they knew about how oxygen is transported around the body and linked this to the nutrients.


Find common multiples of 2 and 4.

See you all in the morning.

Mrs M