Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 05.07.2024

Date: 7th Jul 2024 @ 8:56am

This week has been a strange one in Blakemere with lots of the Year 6 children in and out on their High School Transition Days. On Wednesday and Thursday, Blakemere was very small with only 8 children. It was nice on Friday to have most of the class back together.


In Maths, we have been exploring perimeter and the different ways that the perimter of shapes can be calculated. We explored three different methods for doing this and the children were encouraged to select the method that they felt was the most efficient and effective for them. We are going to use this information to help us to find the perimeter of more complex shapes next week.


In English, we have started to explore the text 'Shakleton's Journey' all about the life and work of explorer Ernest Shakleton. Our unit began by explring the vocabulary that is linked to our text and finding synonyms and antonyms for a vareity of words which we will then be able to use within our written work.


We have continued to learn about the religion of Islam and how the five pillars form part of the religion. We soent time explring each pillar and what they mean to a Muslim.


We have explored how animals are classified and grouped using the Linnean system and how it was Carl Linneaus that developed this system.

Wednesday and Thursday

On Wednesday and Thursday, when most children were out on thier transition days, we carried out some different activities. The children firstly created a piece of pop art using pointillism. We also started a theme park Maths challenge where the children had to design and create a theme park on a budget.

What can you do at home?

  • Ensure your child has prepared themselves for the week ahead by having their reading book and diary in school with them every day and having the correct PE kit in school. PE is on a Monday and Tuesday for Year 5 children and Tuesday for Year 6.
  • Year 6 children need their swimming kit and goggles every Monday.
  • Reading diaries are checked every Tuesday so it is imperative they are in school.
  • Read with your child and encourage them to find books and reading materials that they are interested in. I am also always happy to help and recommend books if needed.
  • Encourage your child to practise their times tables on Times Table Rockstar. Times tables are incredibly important in all areas of Maths and a fast and confident recall of them really helps. Passwords can be found in your child's reading diary.
  • Practise the list of spellings that are sent home.
  • Year 6 children need to be learning their script and songs for their Leavers' Performance.
  • Enjoy the rest of your weekend and if you have any questions then please do ask.

Mrs M