Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 06.10.2023
Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 10:15am
The weeks seem to be flying by at the moment and I can't quite believe we have just finished our fifth week together. Once again, we have worked extremely hard and achieved lots.
In English, we have continued to read and explore our text 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope.' We have found out a little more about the two children: Helen and Lydia and what life is like for them. We have focused on one particular event from the text and used this to help us write a diary entry in role as one of the children. We tried extremely hard within our diary entry to include two of our mastery keys - expanded noun phrases and subordination to create complex sentences. We have also made inferences about one of the characters withon our book who we haven't been introduced to yet. We used the evidence from the text to help us to try and work out who she might be.
In Maths, at the beginning of the week, we put together everything that we had learnt with rounding to solve lots of different questions using the skill of rounding. The children had to take care to ensure that they were reading the question and doing what it was asking. We thn moved on to adding and subtracting different powers of 10. We were all quite confident with this, but found the crossing the boundaries a little more challenging. This is something that we shall focus on in a little more detail. Towards the end of the week, we started to explore negative numbers and this is something that we shall continue to look at next week.
In History, we explored who the allied and axis powers were during World War II and used maps and atlases to help us to label these countries on a map. We then moved on to explain what the terms allied and axis powers meant.
In PSHCE, we continued to explore water safety and worked hard on producing a newspaper article following the events on the video. Next week, we shall continue to think about water safety and proudce our own safety symbol for water.
In Science, we recapped on the different features of the lungs and built our own lungs. We discussed the importance of our lungs and their role within the circulatory system. We then moved on to briefly explore the parts of the blood. We shall contonue to look at this next week when we make our own blood.
In computing, we continued to explore data packets and how this data is transferred over the internet. We recreated this in the hall and the children took on the role of either different IP addresses or a server to transfer messages from one computer to another.
WOW! We have achieved loads. Well done Blakemere.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and I shall see you in the morning.
Mrs M