Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 07.07.2023
Date: 9th Jul 2023 @ 8:30pm
Yet another busy week here in Blakemere. This week we saw most of our Year 6 children head off on their transition days to their High Schools. They were all keen to share what they had been up to whilst they were aware, but I must admit that I did miss them all.
In Maths, this week, we explored finding the mean, median, mode and range of a set of data. The children worked incredibly hard during this task as they had to think of lots of different steps that they needed to undertake, We also explored the different parts of a circle and how the radius is always half of the diameter.
In English, we have continued to make predictions and inferences about our new book - Manfish. The children have started to make some links between the images we have explored, the text we have read and some of the words that we explored the meaning to in the first couple of lessons. Its great to see them make these links when reading.
On Monday, in RE, the children explored an image based on a religious scene. The children again had to make predictions and inferences about what may have been happening within the image.
On Friday, we had our KS2 sport's day in partnership with St Joseph's. It was such a lovely morning, which we all thoroughly enjoyed.
See you tomorrow,
Mrs M