Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 09.02.2024
Date: 10th Feb 2024 @ 9:18pm
And here we are again at the end of another busy week in Blakemere! I can't quite believe how fast the weeks are going.
We have continued to use the text 'Can we save the tiger?' by Martin Jenkins to explore the plight of many endangered animals. It has great to hear the children talking so passionately about these creatures and what they think should be done to save them. This week, we have used the text to help us to write persuasively to try and save the Black Rhino and we have also learnt and written about the North American Bison and the Vulture using our mastery keys of modal verbs, relative clauses and parenthesis. The children have also started to think about what endangered animal they would like their final piece of writing to be about.
We have been exploring decimal numbers this week in Maths, their place value and how they are written as well as the relationship between tenths and hundredths. The children have used the bead strings to add their understanding of the relationship between different decimals and fractions. We shall continue to explore decimals into next week.
We have been undertaking 'fast maths' since the beginning of the year where the children are given a variety of arthmetic style questions to answer within a certain amount of time. The children are improving in their speed and score and this is something that we shall continue to work on over the next few months.
We have now come to the end of our unit of work in Science all about electricity.We finished this week exploring why Hertha Ayrton was significant in her field of Science. The children were impressed with how a woman from the Victorian period was able to create and produce so many different inventions with some still being used today. It has also been good for our learning that our Science topic has linked with our DT work on making our own fairground rides.
We spent Friday following step-by-step instructions of how to create and build our very own fairground ride. The children showed determination and resilience when building their fairground ride even when elements were tricky. We are going to continue with these on Monday and then we shall post some pictures.
What can you do at home?
- Ensure your child has prepared themselves for the week ahead by having their reading book and diary in school with them every day and having the correct PE kit in school every Tuesday and Thursday.
- Read with your child and encourage them to find books and reading materials that they are interested in. I am also always happy to help and recommend books if needed.
- Encourage your child to practise their times tables on Times Table Rockstar. Times tables are incredibly important in all areas of Maths and a fast and confident recall of them really helps. Numbers of children accessing this excellent resource has fallen over the past few weeks so I will be looking for numbers ow increasing.
- Practise the list of spellings that are sent home.
- You may want to encourage your child to take a look in the SATS Practise and Revision section of Blakemere's class page. This is for Year 6 children only. If you do complete any of the tasks, please do show me what you have completed and achieved.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Mrs M
Mrs M