Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 10.05.2024

Date: 12th May 2024 @ 9:16am

What a busy week we have all had this week but as normal our children have risen to the challenge.


We have continued to use the text ‘King Kong’ as a driver for our English lessons. We have again focused on a different section of the text and then planned and written a diary in role as Carl Denham recapping on all the events leading up to the capture of Kong. The children had to consider what tense they were writing in as well as using conjunctions, fronted adverbials and precise noun phrases.

We have also played a game of Grammar ‘Deal or No Deal’ in teams as revision for our SPAG paper next week.


In Maths, we have continued to explore angles and shape. We have looked at the properties of different triangles and then used our knowledge of angles and triangles to help us to find missing angles in a triangle. It was impressive watching the children using their knowledge to problem solve their way through the questions. We have also completed lots of partner revision activities this week whether it be a scavenger hunt type games or through designing posters.


We are continuing to explore the properties of materials within Science and the children were encouraged to explore how they would separate different materials through the use of filtration, sieving, magnets and evaporation. The children had different materials they needed to separate, and they need to decide which process was the best for separating. All the children have dissolved salt into water to make a solution. These are now placed in our window in the classroom so we can observe the process of evaporation over time and see if we are left with salt crystals. See the picutres below from our Science investigation on Friday.


The work in Science also links in nicely with the work in history where we are exploring the salt industry in Winsford and Nantwich and how this has changed over time. We have been exploring this week, how salt was extracted from brine water in salt houses in Winsford.

Year 6 SATs Week

Next week, our wonderful Year 6 children will sit their Year 6 SATs tests. I just wanted to say that I am incredibly proud of all their hard work and determination they have shown towards their work. You have all got this!!!

Secret Question

Share our class blog with your child and send them in with the answer to this secret question to earn themselves some raffle tickets:

Name a triangle

What can you do at home?

  • Ensure your child has prepared themselves for the week ahead by having their reading book and diary in school with them every day and having the correct PE kit in school. Monday and Tuesday for Year 5 children and Tuesday for Year 6.
  • Year 6 children need their swimming kit and goggles every Monday.
  • Reading diaries are checked every Tuesday so it is imperative they are in school.
  • Read with your child and encourage them to find books and reading materials that they are interested in. I am also always happy to help and recommend books if needed.
  • Encourage your child to practise their times tables on Times Table Rockstar. Times tables are incredibly important in all areas of Maths and a fast and confident recall of them really helps.  Passwords can be found in your child's reading diary.
  • Practise the list of spellings that are sent home.



Enjoy the rest of your weekend and if you have any questions then please do ask.

Mrs M