Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 13.10.2023

Date: 15th Oct 2023 @ 10:53am

Looking back over the past week, we have achieved many different things in Blakemere, which we all should be incredibly proud of. 

On Tuesday, the children took part in their second session of their play leader training, They spent time in their teams coming up with different activities and games that they could play with children and then they delivered the games and actvities to the children of Sandymere. We were all very impressed with how the children in Blakemere delivered the activities to the children. Miss Harrison from Winsford Academy said she was thrilled with how the children had responded to their role as leaders. Play Leader sessions will start the Monday that we return after half term. Well done Blakemere!

In Maths, we have continued to explore negative numbers and worked hard towards solving problems involving them where the children had to calculate intervals through zero. THis takes skill as you not only have to remember to cross zero but you also need to work out what the question is aksing you to do. We shall now be moving on to the four operations and becoming confident and fluent with the method and then using it to help solve a variety of complex word problems.

In English, we have continued to explore the text Star of Fear, Star of Hope and undertake activities that enable us to master the skills of using speech to convey the character and move the action forward, expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and passive voice. We have explored passive voice a lot this week and practised changing sentence from the active to the passive:

ACTIVE: The neighbour was helping Madam Eleven O'Clock.

PASSIVE: Madam Eleven O'Clock was being helped by our neighbour.

This style of sentence aims to show that something was being done to someone or something. In is effective for the work we are doing around the treatment of the Jewish people during WWII.

In Science, we have been exploring another part of the circulatory system - the blood. We learnt about the functions of the blood and what it is made up of. We created our own blood storyboard exploring the different parts and their functions and then made our own blood with different items representing the different parts.

We focused on the evacuation of Dunkirk in histroy by exploring different primary sources of information. We listened to Winston Churchill's famous speech and explored why this was important.

All in all a super week!

See you in the morning. 

Mrs M