Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 15.03.2024

Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 10:56am

We have completed yet another week in Blakemere with the children working hard in all areas of their learning.


We have continued to explore our new text  - King Kong - this week. We focused in on two particular pages which focused on the setting of New York city. The chioldre ncreated a senses grid for everything that they could potentially see, hear, smell and feel within the city streets using an image from the text and a timelapse vide of New York city. Folllowing this, the children created a setting description with the aim of trasporting me to the city through the use of their descriptions. Towards, the end of the week, the children produced a lost poem using effective vocabulary to describe the many faces that can been seen on the streets of New York. 


The children have continued to explore percentages this week and worked extremely hard on finding percentages when the fraction did not have a denominator of 100. We are now going to be moving on to finding different percentages of amounts.


We are currently looking at using mixed media in art to create our own landscape or cityscape images. The children explored the work of Kittie Jones and how she uses charcoal and pastels to recreate a landscape and then had a go at recreating this image. 

The week ended a little strange when we were not able to be together on Friday morning due to a water leak, however it was lovely to see the few children who returned to school in the afternoon as we were able to open.

Secret Question

Send your child in with the answer to this secret question to earn themselves some raffle tickets:

Mrs M's favourite colour is.............?

What can you do at home?

  • Ensure your child has prepared themselves for the week ahead by having their reading book and diary in school with them every day and having the correct PE kit in school every Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Reading diaries are checked every Monday so it is imperative they are in school.
  • Read with your child and encourage them to find books and reading materials that they are interested in. I am also always happy to help and recommend books if needed.
  • Encourage your child to practise their times tables on Times Table Rockstar. Times tables are incredibly important in all areas of Maths and a fast and confident recall of them really helps. Numbers of children accessing this excellent resource has fallen over the past few weeks so I will be looking for numbers now increasing. Passwords can be found in your child's reading diary.
  • Practise the list of spellings that are sent home.
  • You may want to encourage your child to take a look in the SATS Practise and Revision section of Blakemere's class page. This is for Year 6 children only. If you do complete any of the tasks, please do show me what you have completed and achieved. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and if you have any questions then please do ask.

Mrs M