Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 15.11.2024
Date: 17th Nov 2024 @ 10:50am
We have again had another busy week in Blakemere and the children are continuing to rise to the challenge of any task that is set, which is great to see.
This week, we have started our poetry unit, which is all about the sea. We have explored some different poems written about the sea and what poetic features the poet has used within them. We have explored different poetic features such as similes, metaphors, personification, repetition and rhyme and these will be some of the features the children go on to use in their own poems. We have explored personification further and personified different objects and then finished the week with answering questions about a poem.
In Maths, we have explored multiplication all week, developing or knowledge and understanding of the long multiplication method. The children had the opportunity to practise the method before using it to then help them solve word problems that included the need to multiply but also where they may have needed to draw on previous knowledge of addition and subtraction.
As we are coming to the end of our history topic all about the sinking of the Titanic, we have started to explore the changes that were made to travelling at sea. The children had to match the changes that were made to the initial reason they were implemented and then had to explain which changes they felt were most significant and why.
This week, we have started our unit in DT. We shall be focusing on mechanism, in particular cam mechanism, and the children will be working towards designing and making their own move cam toy. This week we started to explore different cam mechanism and drew and labelled these. We explored how cam mechanism create a rotary motion which makes the follower create a linear motion. We are all looking forward to continuing through this unit.
Play Leaders
This week, the children in Blakemere began their roles as Play Leaders, leading play opportunities for our Key Stage 1 children during lunchtime play. It has been lovely watching each group lead their sessions this week and the feedback we have received from children and staff about the sessions has been wonderful. Keep up the good work Team Blakemere!!!
Well done
A huge well done this week to Tate for winning the raffle ticket prize and to Joshua, Frankie, Annie, Eva E and Quinn for having their work selected for Excellent Examples. They will bring this work home with them next Friday to share with you. Finally, a huge well done to Zac for being selected as Worker of the Week in Blakemere by their peers.
Secret Question
Share our class blog with your child and send them in with the answer to this secret question to earn themselves some raffle tickets:
If an object has linear motion, doe it move round and round or up and down?
What can you do at home?
- Ensure your child has prepared themselves for the week ahead by having their reading book in school with them every day.
- PE is on a Monday and Thursday so please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in on those days. Appropriate footwear is also encouraged. As it is getting colder, it is important that all children have warm, black leggings or jogging bottoms for outdoor PE. We will always go outside unless it is raining.
- Read with your child and encourage them to find books and reading materials that they are interested in. I am also always happy to help and recommend books if needed. Please record this reading each day on the online reading log. A new link is sent to you from Learning with Parents each week. I absolutely love reading the comments, seeing the photographs and hearing the audio clips of the children reading.
- Encourage your child to practise their times tables on Times Table Rockstar. Times tables are incredibly important in all areas of Maths and a fast and confident recall of them really helps.
- Practise the list of spellings that are sent home. The children will be coming home with a new set of words tomorrow focusing on our new rule and the spelling check for this will be on Monday 2nd December 2024.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and if you have any questions then please do ask.
Mrs M