Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 17.11.2023
Date: 19th Nov 2023 @ 6:47pm
We have completed many different tasks this week within all different lessons.
In Maths, we have explored multiplying a number by either a one or two digit number. We have worked incredibly hard at this over the last few days as some children found this to be a little tricky but with some perseverence and determination we all seem to be on the right track now. We shall carry out a few more tasks linked to this next week to help us to continue to build our confidence with this method.
In English, we have been writing our final stories from the point if view of Lydia, one of the characters within the book. The children have worked incredibly hard to use their plan to influence their writing and to try and to try and include evidence of the mastery keys we have explored throughout this unit of work.
In Science, we have started to plan our investigation on the heart rate, The children have begun to think about the different steps within an investigation and produce evidence for each one of those. Next week, the children will be carrying out their investigation and recording their results.
In RE, we have been looking at the following descriptions of God - omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. We looked at different Bible verses and tried to identify which description of God each verse was describing.
The children also completed their work on Parliament Week where they were looking at why we have general elections and how these are run. what the difference between the House of Parliament and Government mean and what is devolution.
How can you help your child?
1. Ensure their have their PE every Tuesday and Thursday.
2. Support them on times table rockstars.
3. Read with your child.
See you tomorrow.
Mrs M