Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 23.09.2022

Date: 25th Sep 2022 @ 8:54pm

We have all worked extremely hard in Blakemere this week. From English to Maths to Science to Art the children have given it their all and have produced some great work as a result.

In Maths, the week began with comparing and ordering different numbers up to one million for Year 5 children and ten million for Year 6 children. By the end of the week, we had all moved on to exploring Roman Numerals and being able to write numbers and dates in Roman Numerals and vice versa. The children demonstrated a good level of confidence and understanding with the majority of Roman Numerals, however it became a bit trickier with numbers such as 4, 9, 40, 90, 400 and 900 as these are the only numbers that involve subtraction. We shall be continuing to explore Roman Numerals at the beginning of next week when we shall be solving different problems involving them. 

In English, we have contiuned to explore and work on our new book and this week the children were intrdouced to it's name. We also read the first few pages in which we came across the two main characters, We have spent some time this week creating expanded noun phrases for a particular image from the text and then used these phrases to help us to create a setting description of the same place. The children were challenged to use their best vocabulary and they didn't disappoint. We had words such as dilapidated, tarnished, ramshackled, abnormal and barren to name a few.

We continued to explore and learn about the heart in Science and we had a go at making our own working heart. Different children took on the role of different body parts including the heart and its chambers, the lungs, the brain, the arms and legs, the stomach, the liver and the kidneys whilst the rest of the children took on the role of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. They had to move aroung the body whilst visiting the correct parts. It took a couple of attempts but we eventually got it moving. 

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We have lots of great reading over the past week, which has been excellent to see. We have been encouraging reading requests in our reading area so if you have a book that you are unable to find, please let me know and I will do my best to get them for you.


What is Mrs M favourite colour?

See you in the morning,

Mrs M