Blakemere's Weekly Blog - 29.09.2023
Date: 1st Oct 2023 @ 7:55am
I cannot quite believe that we are at the end of yet another week. We have worked hard to achieve many different things.
In English,we have created expanded noun phrases for an image from our book. We explored the different ways of creating a noun phrase and how less is often. We then used our ideas to help us to write a description of the same scene. Towards the end of the week, we recapped on creating complex sentences using subordination. We explored how this helps us to vary our sentence starters and acheive to cohension.
In Maths, this week, we have explored rounding. Each day, we have explored rounding numbers to different amounts from 10 right the way up to 1,000,000.
Science focussed on exploring and learning about the different parts of the lungs as part of the circulatory system. We explored the different parts and then had a go at drawing and labeling and image of the lungs. Next week, we shall each take on a differnt part of the lungs and build them.
In History,the children explored the different reasons for why World War 2 began. They then used these reasons to help them to write a paragraph explaining this.
PE is every Tuesday and Wednesday and it is important that the children have their kits in on both of these days.
Please help your child by encouraging them to go on to TTRS to practise their times tables, to learn their spellings and to read their book on a daily basis.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and i will see you tomorrow.
Mrs M