Delamere Blog 10.12.2020

Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 12:05pm


We hope that you are all well. We are starting to feel even more festive spirit creeping in within Delamere class this week especially with the introduction of the book Dasher by Matt Tavares. It is the most wonderful story about a reindeer called Dasher who hopes and dreams for a better life.  Mrs Worstencroft will be reading the end of the story tomorrow (Friday) so please do resist the temptation of seeking the story out beforehand!  The children will be making predictions about the ending of the story so we don’t want to spoil it.  However as a massive fan of books myself I would say that it is the most beautiful book and certainly one for the family to share over the Christmas period! 

You may well have seen a previous blog called ‘How to draw a reindeer’ and our advent calendar contribution on 9th December (apologies for the wonky pictures!) so know you know what we’ve been up to.  Drawing reindeers is certainly a challenge and every child should be so proud of their drawings. Thank you to those children who have already had a go at home and sent their pictures into school.  They are amazing!

Also this week we have returned to ‘Drawing with Rob’ and drew the most wonderful festive robins.  They look fantastic.  If you and your child wishes to continue practising drawing the robin then here is the link you will need  Enjoy!

In maths this week we have been counting on and back in tens from any given number.  This is something that your child can practise at home too.  We have been looking for sequences and patterns in numbers such as 4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54 … or adding twenty each time 4, 24, 44, 64 …

As part of our work on our class Christian value of Compassion we have explored the Bible story of The Good Samaritan.  Through discussion the children in Delamere class could see the connections between compassion and thankfulness and were able to identify which individuals were showing which values through their words and actions.

This week we have been carrying out the Phonics Screening Check with all children in Year 2.  The children have been working so hard towards this check and should be very proud of their efforts.  Lots of wonderful segmenting and blending could be heard.  Keep practising these skills as a way for decoding and encoding new and tricky words. 

We are continuing to change children’s reading and library books every Wednesday and wish to encourage as much reading at home as possible.  Some children have come on in leaps and bounds with their reading since September and we are so proud of them.  The key to reading success is to read regularly.  That can be reading out loud, listening to audiobooks, sharing a book with an adult or even reading independently.  Don’t forget to pop the subtitles on the tv every once in a while so your children can have a read as they watch tv.  Reading can also be in the form of reading magazines and comics – just pop a note in your child’s diary to let us know what forms of reading have taken place in addition to reading their regular book banded books at home.

Thank you to you all for sending your child to school with warmer PE kits this week.  It certainly made a difference!  Remember to pop a vest on under your child’s uniform too during the week -  the windows are remaining open across the school, all day in line with current school guidance.

Next week will continue to feel festive across the school with Christmas jumper day, Christmas dinner and the pantomime.  I’m sure we will squeeze in some Christmas crafts too.

In the meantime, take care and stay safe.

Team Delamere